Thursday, January 24, 2013


The hubs and I took a real vacation.  We hopped a plane and landed on the fabulous Island of Oahu.  Thank the Lord!  After my RE told me my eggs were rotten, I was a hot mess. I would dissolve into tears at the drop of a hat.  It turns out that no struggle can stand up to the beauty of Hawai'i.

We climbed Diamond Head, drank Mai Tais, went to a Luau, drank more Mai Tais, hit the beach, took a sunset cruise, ate (I gained five pounds. booo!!!) and continued to drink until our hearts were content.  During one of my drunken stupors, I emailed my RE. OMG, right?  But her reply saved my heart.

"your levels don't tell me we can't get pregnant

they tell me that we are going to probably have to work hard to make it happen

i'm up for the challenge."

Now, don't get it twisted. I know her main goal is to make money and she did not convince me to gamble away $22,000 on one procedure.  However, her kind words encouraged me to continue with my plan for the year, which is to do all that I can to complete mission #BABYRASS2013. I can't pay $22,000 for anything, but there are other options.  Of course, the hubby and I are taking this month off.  We will meet with the RE next week to discuss what plan B is.  I was unable to talk to her about it during our previous meeting because my mind didn't get past the whole rotten eggs thing.  Like seriously, all I registered was poor egg quality and $22,000.  Say what?!

Now back to Hawaii...those folks love some pork and it turns out that I do too.  I just wish someone would have told me my jeans would strangle my legs after five days of indulging in the swine.  Damn!

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